
发布日期:2024-03-06 浏览数:1019

Call for Abstract

Copyright Policy and Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure

Before registering your presentation, please check the copyright regulations and conflict of interest (COI) disclosure.

The oral presentation title will be disclosed on the second slide.

Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure

COI slide example

Abstract submission period

January 15, 2024 (Mon) - March 18, 2024 (Mon)


Oral/Poster session

Qualification requirements

Presenters must be members of this society.
If you are not yet a member, please apply for membership from 
the Japan DDS Society homepage.

Application field

When registering your abstract, please select the appropriate field from the abstract fields below.

  1. Theranostics

  2. Nucleic acid delivery

  3. Cancer treatment

  4. Transdermal ・transpulmonary・transmucosal delivery

  5. Controlled release

  6. Regenerative medicine・cell therapy

  7. Biomolecule delivery

  8. Targeting

  9. Materials

  10. Immune・vaccine

  11. CMC related technology

  12. Disease environment and DDS

  13. Others

About awards

[About the Excellent Presentation Award]

01 Oral presenters and 02 Poster presenters are eligible to apply for this award when submitting their abstracts, whether they are graduate students, undergraduate students, part-time researchers, postdoctoral fellows, young corporate researchers, etc. (regardless of age)

[About the International Journal Awards]

The English session will feature international journal awards from sponsors such as the RSC.
If you are a student or young researcher (researcher affiliated with a university or company (regardless of age)), you can apply for this award when submitting your abstract.

How to submit an abstract

Please submit your abstract online.
Please check the following notes before submitting your title and abstract. Please fill out the necessary information in the "
Abstract Submission" form and submit your abstract file. Please attach the (Word file) .

Submission Guidelines

  • Title: Up to 80 characters

  • List of Authors: You can add up to 10 authors including yourself.

  • List of Affiliated affiliations: You can add up to 10 affiliations including yourself.

  • Affiliation registration is only for the main affiliated institution. (Multiple selection not possible)

[About the abstract format]

  1. You can download the abstract format (Word file) from here.
    Please edit it as a Microsoft Word file and then submit it as a PDF file.

  2. Please use A4 size paper and set the margins to 30mm at the top and 25mm at the bottom and left and right.

  3. Please refer to the example in the downloaded template and create it in the same format.

  4. Please create in Mincho font (10.5 pt). You can use superscript, subscript, italics, and bold. Please use the font Symbol for Greek letters such as α, β, and Σ.
    Please do not use characters or external characters that are dependent on the computer model.
    Please paste figures and tables directly into the text.

  5. If writing in English, please write the title in Arial or Helvetica and the rest of the text in Times or Times New Roman. Others are as above.

Download a template
[Word file]


When submitting your presentation, you will be asked to set a password (6-8 characters). By using this "password" and the "submission number" issued at the time of submission, you can check and revise your presentation as many times as you like until the submission date.
Please note that if you forget your password, you won't be able to change your password.


Notification of receipt will be automatically sent to the email address entered in the submission form. If you don't receive the E-mail, or if you can't send it successfully, please contact the Liaison Office.

If the email address entered in the submission form is Yahoo mail, Gmail, etc., it may be sorted into junk mail folder. If you don't receive the email, please check your spam folder.

Confirmation after abstract submission

After submitting your presentation, please check the confirmation and correction screen using the submission number and password.

When you revise the abstract name, please be sure to revise the file and attach it again.

Acceptance of the submitted abstract

Notification of acceptance will be sent by email in May (tentative). The organizing committee will be responsible for the selection, format of presentation (oral or poster presentation), date and venue.
Please note that you may not be able to submit your presentation format and your field of study at the time of submission.
Programs with the title and presenter will be posted on this website in early June.

Abstract submission form

Abstract Submission



Liaison Office of the the 40th Japan DDS Society Academic Conference
c/o Procom International Co., Ltd.
TFT Bldg. East Wing 9F, 3-6-11 Ariake Koto-ku Tokyo, 135-0063 Japan
Tel +81-3-5520-8822 

E-mail dds40@procom-i.jp

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