【行业招聘】魏茨曼科学研究所(Weizmann Institute of Science)招聘信息

发布日期:2022-08-20 浏览数:1062

The Electron Microscopy Unit at the Weizmann Institute of Science is seeking to hire a cryo-EM application  specialist. The facility at WIS serves the vibrant and multidisciplinary WIS community in a wide range of  techniques for biological and materials research. In particular, the Electron Microscopy Unit operates state-of the-art instruments for imaging biological samples at the molecular and cellular levels, including Titan Krios and Talos Arctica TEMs, a Crossbeam cryo-FIB-SEM and a variety of instruments for cryogenic sample preparation. There has been substantial growth in recent years in the number of local researchers adopting cryo-EM, while the cryo-EM field and the Electron Microscopy Unit are rapidly advancing, with newcapabilities constantly emerging.

We are looking for a talented and highly motivated specialist to join our dynamic unit and contribute to cutting-edge cryo-EM science and service at the Electron Microscopy Unit.

Key responsibilities and main tasks

• Supporting users in the operation of the cryo-EM microscopes.

• Assistance and training in sample preparation for cryo-EM imaging.

• Training of MSc/Ph.D. students and PostDocs to become independent users.

• Assistance in single particle and tomography data collection for untrained users

• Taking operational responsibility for daily maintenance of microscopes and auxiliary equipment.

• Providing protocols and workflows for efficient instrument operation, data collection, and data processing.

• Assistance in the analysis of single particle data and tomography data sets on a professional level.

• Keeping in touch with the latest developments in instrumentation and processing in the field and their active implementation process.

Preferred Skills and Qualifications

• Experience in cryo-EM, ideally in single particle and/or tomography sample preparation, data collection, and image processing in theory

and in practice.

• Good practical skills with computers and networks.

• Excellent communication skills, willingness, and ability to teach and assist students.

• Ability to work in a highly collaborative environment and to be an independent problem-solver.

• Experience in biochemistry and/or cell biology is an advantage.

• Written and spoken fluency in English.

• Applicants should have a Master’s or Ph.D. degree level or equivalent in either Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, or Engineering.


For inquiries about the vacancy and interviews please get in touch with

Lothar Houben,


Nadav Elad,



Please send your application letter in English with your CV, a publication list, and contact information for references to

Shosh Tzadik,


Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

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