【行业会议】IMC20 - 20th International Microscopy Congress
IMC20 - 20th International Microscopy Congress 国际显微学大会(International Microscopy Congress)是由国际显微学联合会 (IFSM)举办的国际显微学领域规模最大的学术性会议。大会每4年召开一次,吸引来自全球上千名学者专家参会,大会同期举办联合会全体大会,选举该组织新一届领导层。第一届大会于1954年在荷兰德尔夫特召开。 Overview Title:The 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20) General Information Days:Full of exciting Microscopy contents and networking opportunities 点击查看会议详情:https://www.imc20.kr/
Date:September 10-15, 2023
Venue:BEXCO, Busan, Korea
Organizer:Korean Society of Microscopy (KSM)
International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM)
IMC 20
Divisions / Sessions:4/52
Speakers:Presenting new and exciting Microscopy contents 163
Participants:Expected attendees at the 20th International Microscopy Congress 3000